KAJO is the main technical partner behind the development of GeoIKP, an open access platform, to gather and share knowledge about solutions to reduce risks of natural disasters inspired by nature – Nature Based Solutions (NBS). The GeoIKP was developed through the EU funded OPERANDUM project, together with 26 partners from all over the world. The platform gives access to all of the results derived from the project, and to bring awareness and foster the co-creation of NBS. It serves as a hub for the growing NBS community to share knowledge, tools, data, and experiences to reduce hydro-meteorological hazards, and address related societal.
GeoIKP is tailored to both advanced users with a professional interest as well as first-time visitors without any prior knowledge of nature-based solutions, offering rich and varied information for every type of stakeholder: scientific data for researchers, real examples of co-creation processes for media and associations, learning tools for citizens, best practices for policy makers and even a hub for finding partners and opportunities for business and investors.
It also offers Citizen Stories to give a voice to vulnerable, affected or concerned citizens to share personal experiences of how and why they started applying NBS and to raise public awareness about the NBS concept. The citizen stories represent a growing knowledge repository for anyone interested or engaged in grassroots solutions to climate change.
>> geoikp.operandum-project.eu
Long story short in attached presentation